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The Ontario Human Rights Commission defines systemic discrimination "patterns of behaviour, policies or practices that are part of the structures of an organization, and which create or perpetuate disadvantage for racialized persons." 

Working with members (particularly those from equity-seeking groups), District 19 Committees, such as the Dismantling Anti-Black Racism Action Committee and the Human Rights Committee, OSSTF District 19 continues to prioritize creating and maintaining a more equitable union and working environment for members. 

While the equity work that we do is ongoing, and part of a long-term strategy, some key areas of focus for OSSTF District 19 include: 

Policies, Practices and Decision-Making Processes

  • Establishment of 3 full-time Equity, Anti-Oppression and Anti-Racism Officers, who work out of the District 19 office. Members are now supported by an Anti-Racism Intersectional Officer, a Dismantling Anti-Black Racism Training Officer, and a Racism Reporting Officer. 
  • Hiring Practices – For appointed time-release officer positions, we encourage members who identify as Black, Indigenous, racialized and/or members of the 2SLGBTQ+ community to apply. We also include diversity-focused questions in the interview process.
  • Procedure 2 – Hiring of Equity, Anti-Oppression, and Anti-Racism Officers: Creating a hiring process based on recommendations by DABRAC.
  • Decision-making processes: Use of consistent, formalized process for decision-making; consultation with Equity Officers
  • Joint Staffing Committee: inclusion of equity focus on hiring rubric for teachers.

Organizational Culture and Community Outreach

Recognizing that OSSTF is a sophisticated organization with a multitude of structures that help get the business of the Federation done and that this complexity often requires many years of volunteering within the organization to learn organically, OSSTF D19 TBU has sought to make the complexity of the organization more accessible through the provision of resources, restructuring practices, and supporting newly engaged members in learning the often daunting amount of knowledge.

  • OSSTF Training Provided to Equity, Anti-Racism and Anti-Oppression Executive Team
  • Website redesign for ease of accessibility to information about the union, to help support member engagement with the union
  • Establishment of the OSSTF D19 Black Excellence Scholarships for graduating Peel students
  • Organizing affinity events for Black, Indigenous and racialized members
  • Being a visible presence at events such as Pride Toronto
  • Organizing fund raising events for community groups such as SEVA Food Bank, for residents of Peel who are experiencing food insecurity
  • Improving structures designed to run meetings through an anti-oppression lens
  • Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP): advocating for the availability of specifically trained counsellors to support racialized members and/or their families, who have experienced trauma due to racism.
  • Branch representatives: encouragement of racialized members to serve as Branch representatives.
  • Revised land acknowledgements to be more personal and reflective. 
  • Revision of Branch President, Committee Chair, Executive, and New Member Training with equity focus.
  • Equity, Anti-Racism and Anti-Oppression Officers support members in the following ways:  

    -Time release liaison officers to TBU committees.

    -Representing District 19 at other labour events and rallies.

    -Attending grievance meetings with the PDSB.

    -Collecting data.

These equity practices will be updated on an ongoing basis in consultation with members of equity-seeking groups and the Equity, Anti-Racism and Anti-Oppression Executive Team.